The Kasparian Three

The Kasparian Three

Our Little Miss Emmy

Our Little Miss Emmy

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Just a Little Update

You know when you create a new blog and you're like, "Oh, yeah, I'll blog all the time and stuff and let people know about our little family and I'll be diligent about it and it's going to become my 'thing'" and then life gets in the way and you rarely blog? No? Just me? Oh...

Well, here I am. Baby is in bed and I'm finally updating the blog. And by updating the blog, I most definitely mean gushing about my baby because I'm obsessed with her.

Where are we? Well, the only thing that has really changed for us is that little E is growing like a weed. She is 4.5 months old now! It has been so fun to see her learn new things and sometimes I wish I could see the world through her little eyes. Discovering her feet, exploring every inch of my face with her hands, sticking anything within arms reach in her mouth to taste--everything is new to her and she's having the time of her life figuring it all out.

She giggles at the strangest things. Her first laugh was after I sneezed, but then by the next day it wasn't funny anymore. She giggles and gets a huge grin when I sing her "Electric Avenue" for some reason. At one of my Young Women activities she got the biggest kick out of one of the young women jumping up backwards onto the stage in the cultural hall. But by far my favorite is when I bring her in the bathroom in her bouncer chair when I shower and play peek-a-boo with the curtain and she belly laughs. I'm convinced there is no greater sound than baby laughter. It brightens the whole room!

Some other new things: she learned how to roll over from her back to her belly and gets super frustrated when she gets stuck on her belly and can't roll back over (see picture below). She has found her voice and likes to yell. Loudly. She is getting super close to sitting up on her own. And all of this is bittersweet for me. I love watching her grow, but she's just doing it so quickly! There are lots of days where I miss my snuggly little newborn that actually took naps and didn't try to chew on my fingers all day long.

She's just my favorite person. I love that I get to spend my days with her. She can have the worst night, waking me up several times and I can be so grumpy and frustrated, but when she gives me that huge cheeser with her tongue sticking out when she wakes up in the morning, I forget it all and just want to snuggle and kiss and love her. I melt! I have never felt such love. It's the hardest job I've ever loved. It's a job filled with a baby that never naps longer than 30 minutes at a time, is constantly eating still, and requires so much of my attention. But man, do I love it. I love it so much.

So, that's what's going on. I know it was just an update on Emmy, but really...she is our whole life right now. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

And pictures because cute: 

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